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Happy Republic Day 2010

India completes 60 years as a Republic.
In 60 years we have moved from Republic day parades in prade grounds to Republic day sales in shopping malls. The sales have brought in the spirit of festivity and celebrations into otherwise a dull holiday.

All were not enjoying the sale. The website team was trying to test the deliveries and do last minute fixes. Last few days have gone into fixing server issues delaying the release which i was expecting they will do on the Republic day. Actually I walked into office expecting the release today, found them working hard to get things going but was clearly told - no relase today.

Lets wait for the launch.

I caught a head line on one page which read - "Business Process Management - stream lining workflows, optimizing business processes" and found it quite impressive. Could not catch the contents and now I will do google search to find out more about this and than compare notes with the site once it comes up.

and I am going home now as my wife wants to catch up with a republic day sale. I tell you, I am not entering those crowded malls and stand in billing queues for the discounts. I will rather save some money by not shopping at all. (this is my thought, but on this account my wife decides)

will be back with more soon, Bye.................


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