BlackBerry to Lose Customers to iPhone and Android?

The semi-annual survey, conducted by research firm Crowd Science, reveals that RIM’s BlackBerry is still the smartphone leader in terms of market share. However, almost 40 percent of the respondents who own a BlackBerry device said they would choose an Apple iPhone when they purchase their next smartphones, and nearly a third would shift to Google’s Android operating system.
As if that was not enough, 32 percent of BlackBerry owners said they would swap their phones for a Google’s Nexus One if given the chances. This compared with only 9 percent of iPhone owners.
The results certainly bode ill for the BlackBerry manufacturer. John Martin, CEO of Crowd Science, explained that the iPhone is not solely responsible for RIM’s waning brand loyalty. "Rather, Blackberry as a brand just isn't garnering the loyalty seen with other mobile operating systems," he noted.
Unlike BlackBerry, both iPhone and Android are enjoying strong brand support among their customers, as 90 percent of each user group plan to stay on their current platforms, according to the same survey. While iPhone is famous for its loyal user base, Android, a relatively newcomer to the smartphone field, surprised us with its jump in awareness from 60 percent to 66 percent since the previous survey.
Here is another interesting finding of the study: iPhone owners tend to be older and more affluent than Android and BlackBerry users. They are also significantly more likely to spend money on paid applications than other user groups. This gives the iPhone an advantage to continue its superiority in the smartphone arena.
With Android steadily growing and iPhone riding on the crest of success, RIM will have to find a way to retain its restless customer base, so as to prevent possible future loss to the two main rivals.
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