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ChangeWave Survey: Verizon iPhone Drops Fewer Calls Than AT&T

Now that Apple's iPhone is available on both AT&T and Verizon Wireless, people are bound to compare their network quality. According to ChangeWave's latest survey, AT&T has already lost the first round of battle, as the research firm revealed that AT&T's iPhone is reported to be dropping more calls than Verizon's counterpart.

The survey of more than 4,000 consumers concluded that the customer satisfaction rates with both versions of the iPhone are "virtually indistinguishable". About 82 percent of Verizon subscribers are "very satisfied" with their devices, while 80 percent of AT&T owners say so.

However, when it comes to dropped calls, Verizon performs far better than its industry rival does. Over the past 90 days, customers of the AT&T iPhone reported an average call drop rate of 4.8 percent, which is noticeably higher than Verizon's 1.8-percent rate.

The fact that AT&T has more reported dropped calls is not the only bad news for the service provider. Of those who are looking to buy an iPhone 4 in the future, 46 percent say they will opt for Verizon as their carrier, while only 27 percent will choose AT&T. The remaining 27 percent are undecided.

Nevertheless, the research firm also pointed out that Verizon's iPhone 4, which debuted in early February, is still in its early stage of offering. The expected increase in the number of subscribers will inevitably put more pressure on the network, which may in turn alter Verizon's performance in the future.

Still, Verizon has been doing well in network quality since ChangeWave's first survey a few years ago. In the current study, Verizon claims the top spot again with a dropped call rate of 1.4 percent, followed by T-Mobile at 2.3 percent and then Sprint at 2.7 percent. AT&T, though seeing a good reduction from their all-time high of 6 percent in September 2010 to 4.6 percent, is still placed last among the four major wireless providers.

With Verizon and AT&T offering the same lineup of Apple devices, their competition is only going to intensify. AT&T must do its best to improve both network quality and customer service in order to stop its existing customers from hopping to other carriers.

Tags: Apple iPhone 4 (AT&T / GSM) Accessories, Apple iPhone 4 (Verizon / CDMA) Accessories, Apple iPhone 3G S Accessories, Apple iPhone 3G Accessories, Apple iPad 2 Accessories, Apple iPad Accessories


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