Nine Years of Rude-ing Up the Joint:
Yep, nine years ago, the Rude Pundit emerged from the pool of blood and muck that was 2003 to pollute your nice blogosphere with sodomy jokes and copious uses of words that start with n, with c, with f, even inventing a few new filthy phrases when the old ones got boring.
There's precious little time right now for quaint memories and such.
Instead, hey, look, finally, at long last, just in time to give you one last adrenaline rush before the election, The Rude Pundit's Almanack 2012 Edition is available from OR Books.
It's got a couple of updates and 25 pages of all-new, never-blogged stuff, including:
- The real, actual, "holy crap" secret to understanding Mitt Romney (seriously).
- Pieces by funny people: Daily Show co-creator and author Lizz Winstead and writer and online radio cohort Jeff Kreisler.
- Herman Cain's guide to seduction, told through dirty limericks.
- Mitt Romney's concession speech.
And more ammunition than you'll ever need to use against your parents or that idiot brother-in-law. (It's also got a bunch of personal stories about the Rude Pundit and family. You'll feel like he came to Thanksgiving and smacked your Republican uncle in his stupid face with a turkey leg.)
So order the thing, fer chrissake.
(Note: the Rude Pundit also wouldn't mind if you threw a few "Happy Anniversary" coins in tip jar over there on the right.)
Onward to year ten.
Yep, nine years ago, the Rude Pundit emerged from the pool of blood and muck that was 2003 to pollute your nice blogosphere with sodomy jokes and copious uses of words that start with n, with c, with f, even inventing a few new filthy phrases when the old ones got boring.
There's precious little time right now for quaint memories and such.
Instead, hey, look, finally, at long last, just in time to give you one last adrenaline rush before the election, The Rude Pundit's Almanack 2012 Edition is available from OR Books.
It's got a couple of updates and 25 pages of all-new, never-blogged stuff, including:
- The real, actual, "holy crap" secret to understanding Mitt Romney (seriously).
- Pieces by funny people: Daily Show co-creator and author Lizz Winstead and writer and online radio cohort Jeff Kreisler.
- Herman Cain's guide to seduction, told through dirty limericks.
- Mitt Romney's concession speech.
And more ammunition than you'll ever need to use against your parents or that idiot brother-in-law. (It's also got a bunch of personal stories about the Rude Pundit and family. You'll feel like he came to Thanksgiving and smacked your Republican uncle in his stupid face with a turkey leg.)
So order the thing, fer chrissake.
(Note: the Rude Pundit also wouldn't mind if you threw a few "Happy Anniversary" coins in tip jar over there on the right.)
Onward to year ten.
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