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Basics of Security Testing

When applications are exposed on the internet, it invites the risks such as unauthorized access, tampering with the application and hacking which reduces its quality and performance. This certainly calls the need to implement tight security into the applications before making them available on the web to keep its functionality and load performance intact.

Security Testing is all about protecting and maintaining the functionality of the applications by encoding security codes into it. The primary job of Security Testing is to find loopholes and vulnerabilities from the system and improve its performance so that the system can work for longer time. Companies usually to avoid delays in the release of a software system, prefer to start Security Testing of the web applications from the very early stage of the SDLC. 

Companies generally perform different types of Security Testings of applications in different stages of the software development lifecycle which helps in conforming following aspects in the application:
  • Authentication: This ensures whether the digital identity of the user is validated or verified
  • Authorization: It helps confirm the rights to access the system or application and make changes in it.
  • Availability: Availability is about reducing the errors in the application to make it available as and when required
  • Confidentiality: It deals with making information and services available only to the authorized users of the application to maintain its  confidentiality.
  • Integrity: This makes sure that the information provided to the user is correct and that it is not outdated or irrelevant
  • Non- Repudiation: This checks whether the sender and receiver of the message is genuine
In Security Testing, it is quite necessary to segregate roles and understand the negative impacts of the risk-prone applications before taking up the security testing task. This will help in resolving bugs quite early and delivering better applications.

For Application Security Testing and Security Consulting Services, contact info@cygnet-infotech.com or visit www.cygnet-infotech.com.


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