How To Add Facebook Recommendation Bar To Blogger
This plugin (facebook recommendation bar) has been around since early 2012 and since then it's continually gaining a lot of popularity in the blogosphere. This recommendation bar has really help bloggers of all platforms to actually drive traffic to their blogs through likes and shares, it contains the number of likes and shares of your articles and also keep your readers to stay much longer by providing them with some related or previous content that has been liked or shared by other readers. Facebook recommendation bar put more engagement between you and your readers and thus increase your blog's traffic.
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How Facebook Recommendation Bar Increase Blog Traffic?
Yes, it would definitely increase your blog's traffic since your content would be liked and shared by your readers. Not only boosting your blog's traffic, but it's will surely increases your page views. This plugin display when your readers are through reading your contents, or it's expand when your reader's scrolled down to a certain location, thus making it nearly impossible for readers to ignore the recommended articles. Now you understand why it's necessary to install facebook recommendation bar in your blog.
How To Add Facebook Recommendation Bar To Your Blog?
The below steps would certainly guide you through the easy installation of the facebook plugin. All you have to do is to follow the steps carefully.
#Step 1: Create A Facebook Application
A clear picture for creating any facebook application is given below. So, you must have to follow this steps to create an application for facebook recommendation bar:
1. Go to Facebook Application Center
2. Now click on Create New App button located at the top-right
#Step 2: Add Facebook Recommendation Bar To Blogger
1. Go to Blogger => Template
2. Click Edit HTML
3. Click Format Template
4. Now anywhere inside your HTML Editor and press Ctrl + F and search for this:
6. Now press Ctrl + F and search for <body> tag, and just below it paste the below codes:
Comment! We really appreciate comments from our readers. Please don't just read and go, try leaving a useful comment to show that you really like what we're doing here..
Query? We're always there for any complaint regarding our tutorials. If you have any difficulties adding the facebook recommendation bar to your blog, kindy leave your reports through comment..
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3. Now a box would appear immediately, type "Recommendation Bar" or anything else in the App Name text field and leave blank other options. Click the Continue button.
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4. Now enter the captcha code and hit submit button.
5. Now click on Website With Facebook Login and insert your blog address inside the box provided and click Save Changes as pictured below.
6. Now you'll see your two numerial charcters: App ID and App Secret. Now copy the App ID and save it somewhere.
You've just completed the first step!
1. Go to Blogger => Template
2. Click Edit HTML
3. Click Format Template
4. Now anywhere inside your HTML Editor and press Ctrl + F and search for this:
<html5. Now replace the above code with following:
<html xmlns:fb=''The above codes would make the recommendation bar compatible with earlier versions of Internet Explorer (IE)
6. Now press Ctrl + F and search for <body> tag, and just below it paste the below codes:
<div id='fb-root'/> <script> //Facebook Recommendation bar by //<![CDATA[(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//***************"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));//]]> </script><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'><div style='z-index:999999; position:absolute;'> <fb:recommendations-bar action='like' max_age='0' num_recommendations='3'read_time='10' side='right' site='' trigger='40%'/></div></b:if></b:if>7. For these plugin to start working you need to make some changes to the highlighted part of the codes:
- Replace *************** with the App ID you saved when creating the facebook recommendation bar.
- Replace with your blog's address (url).
- Save your Template.
Comment! We really appreciate comments from our readers. Please don't just read and go, try leaving a useful comment to show that you really like what we're doing here..
Query? We're always there for any complaint regarding our tutorials. If you have any difficulties adding the facebook recommendation bar to your blog, kindy leave your reports through comment..
Subscribe! We invite you to join other readers for our daily and weekly updates. Simply subscribe using the subscription box below so as to receive our latest updates right in your email inbox. Happy blogging dudes..
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