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How To Put Yahoo! - Media.net Below Post Title In Blogger

On my previous post we discussed about the top 5 best alternatives for google adsense and we listed out Yahoo! (Media.net) to be the best alternative to google adsense.
So, in our today's tutorial we would focused solely on Adding Yahoo! (media.net) Below Posts Title In Blogger. As we all know that Yahoo! Ads is the best google adsense alternative which provides publishers with the best contextual Ads for website/blog monetizing. So, before you could make more money from Yahoo! (Media.net) or any other Ads networks, you should first of all know the right slot to place the Ads codes. That's why we bring up this tutorial in order to give you the clear picture on how to put Yahoo! (media.net) below every posts title. Doing so would definitely increase your Click Through Rate (CTR), and thus making you more money.
I know you may ask: How Do We Know This? Yes! We can't just wake-up one morning and start posting. We've practically implemented Yahoo! Ads below our post title, and it's works perfectly well.
Now here we go with the tutorial on how to put Yahoo! Ads below posts title in blogger blogs. I hope you'll like it.

Media.net Below Post Title

#Step 1. Create Yahoo! Ad Unit

1. Log in to your media.net
2. Got to  Account => Dashboard => Create New Ad Unit
3. Select a powerful an eye catchy Ad Unit such as 336 x 280 large rectangle, Or 300 x 250 medium rectangle are most recommended.
4. Customize your Ad Unit for a better display. The Ads color should blend with your blog fonts. Now save the changes and copy the Ad codes
5. After you've completed the above steps, now it's time to add the code to your blog.

6. Note: You must first encode the Ads Code before implementing it to your blog. Now paste the Ads code you copied from (step 4) in this HTML Encoder Tool and click Convert button. ('If you don't convert the Ads codes to HTML entities, the Ads won't display'). So it's always mandatory to Encode Ads codes before adding it to a blogger blog's template.
7. Now copy the converted codes and save it in text-editor like Notepad, lets proceed to the next step.

    #Step 2. Add Yahoo! Ad (Media.net) Below Post Title In Blogger

    1. Log in to your Blogger account if you're not already logged in.
    2. Go to Dashboard =>click on Template =>click Edit HTML
    3. Click on Format Template button
    4. Click anywhere inside the HTML editor and press Ctrl + F and search for this line of code.

    5. And just above <data:post.body/> paste the below code:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    Paste Your Yahoo! Ad Codes Here</b:if>
    6. Now replace Paste Your Yahoo! Ad Codes Here with the converted Ad codes you saved in your Notepad.
    7.  Click the Save button
    8. That's all buddies.

    Have you completed the steps outlined above? Now view your blog on browser and click on any of the topic for full post, and you should see something like the below picture:

    Show Media.net Below Post Title

    #Step 3.(Optional) Customized The Position Of Your Yahoo! Ad

    You may not like how the Yahoo! Ad (media.net) would be placed by default below post title in blogger. But you can definitely customized the way Ad are displayed in blogger below posts title. You can choose to align the Ad float either to the left or right as well.
    To display the Ad at the right side below posts title copy and use the below codes:

    <b:if cond='data.blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><div style='float: right; margin: 10px;'>Paste Your Yahoo! media.net Codes Here</div></b:if>
    You can change the "float" value either to left or right. Also note that the Ad would be wrapped with text, and thus get you more clicks.

    If you're still not yet satisfied with the result, and you wish to show your Ad just at the center below posts title, then use the below codes instead:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div align="center">
    Paste Your Yahoo! media.net Codes Here</div>
     OR... You may want to display at least one Ad on your homepage? Just use the below code instead. The below code would only display one Ad below the very first post title on your homepage.

    <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>Paste Your Yahoo! media.net Codes Here</b:if>

    Now Over To You - Feedback!

    Yes! These was today's tutorial regarding how to put Yahoo! Ad (media.net) below every posts title in blogger. Now to get your foot wet on the money making tips via Yahoo! Ads, you need to agree with me that before your can make bulks of cash via any Ads networks like, Google Adsense, Yahoo! (media.net), Infolinks and others; you first have to focus more intensely on increasing your blog's traffic. Engaging more on social activities can also boost your blog's traffic.
    Query? Do you observed any difficulties on implementing the Yahoo! Ad below posts title in blogger? Please kindly leave your query through comment. We're always there to help fixed up any issues.

    Comment! So guys, what do you think about these tutorial? would it be of any benefit adding Yahoo! media.net below post title in blogger? Please share with us your thought by leaving your comment below.

    Share It! If you've find these tutorial a bit useful consider sharing it to your friends on social media sites using the share button below. Your friends might be deeply in-need of these awesome tips on how to show Yahoo! media.net below posts title in blogger.
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