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Identify Blind Spots in Your Applications with Continuous Integration Testing

Continuous Integration is a software development practice that requires developers to integrate codes in the system in order to test the changes and identify errors early. Continuous Integration (CI) or Continuous Testing significantly reduces the backtracking to discover where things went wrong so that development teams can focus on developing software more rapidly.

CI reduces the period between developing and identifying defects which results in knocking a project on-schedule. Moreover, it dramatically increases the productivity and applies lean workflow in the development process. Many organizations have started adopting CI testing with an aim to deliver quality software in the given time-frame and lower the overall cost of development.

Continuous Testing is a continuous cycle which can be applied in different methods of testing such as load testing, performance testing, regression testing, etc. Applied in whichever fashion, Continuous Integration Testing helps achieve greater scalability, productivity and quality throughout the software development lifecycle.

Take a detailed tour of Continuous Integration Testing and its various aspects with the below presentation.

For consultation on Continuous Integration Testing, email us at info@cygnet-infotech.comor visit www.cygnet-infotech.com


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