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Best Apps For Students - College And Kids

The world of technology has evolved over the years. With the development of apps much has been achieved. These applications have now found a ground in the classroom. Students use apps to take notes in class, manage time through keeping in and out of class schedule not forgetting finding where to acquire a text from. You want to pass that exam, well the app might not give you an A, but it can see you there. Here, we look at perfect apps that you need as a student.


Study Buddy

• Study buddy is an application to aid planning for students.

• It has an inbuilt Planner Assistant that reminds the user when to use the planner.

• It will remind a user early enough of what will be happening in a day.

• It has other options like remind one of assignment's due date and when examinations are approaching.

• Any time you take a break while doing an assignment say take a call. Study buddy records it as a distraction. Hence keeps you on your toes and helps you do the homework in time.

Share Your Board

• Share Your Board is an application that will aid note taking through taking a smart snapshot of the day work.

• This app will capture, process and share whiteboard data.

• With a whiteboard in sight, the app adjust the white balance and give you a clear snapshot of the lesson.

• It comes for free with Android.

When your wrist hurts as you write those many paragraphs of literature, remember you can find help in Share Your Board app in your phone.

Amazon Student

It can be hectic at times to look for college textbooks, but with this perfect app this is no longer a problem.

• Amazon Student application tells you where to get the best books and at an affordable price.

• Through a photo of the textbook barcode, Amazon Student records the best sellers to accommodate your pocket.

iWork app

• iWork has three productive apps; pages, keynotes and numbers.

• Pages is a great word processor with a big onscreen keyboard and layout tools that are easy to use.

• Numbers help you build wonderful spreadsheets within a short time.

• Keynote helps students create presentations with animations and effects.

• These iWork apps help students to come up with professional presentations and spreadsheets anytime and from any location.

With iWork apps, it is hard to differentiate the work of a student from a professional; it is simply amazing.


While considering perfect apps for student one can never exhaust the field without talking of iBook.

• IBook helps student in downloading and the reading of books.

• From iBook store, you can download the latest and bestselling books.

Some have argued that these apps make a student to be lazy but as seen their advantages cannot be overlooked. You have been struggling to get that grade while still enjoying your youth; it is time to visit Sony PlayStation site and know of the app to save your day


These was our today's tutorial regarding the best apps apps for students. These students apps really help you keep track of your studies. With these apps, you'll always be engaged with your class activities.

Now Over To You!
What do you have to say about these top apps for students? Does it worth trying? Do well to leave your feedback via comment.

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About Me:
Sophie Samuel is a blogger from London in UK. She loves kids and therefore loves to write articles related to children.  As a single mother, she took up writing as her profession to meet the educational expenses of her kids and the family. As if now she is doing research on Disability and she suggest everyone to have knowledge of Disability Living Allowance contact for any emergency.


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