Deposition by Jesse Ventura
The deposition given by former wrestler and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura will need to be made public, partially or in whole, a federal judge ordered Thursday.
Ventura is suing deceased Navy SEAL Chris Kyle for allegedly libeling him in his bestselling book "American Sniper."
Chief U.S. Magistrate Arthur Boylan ruled the deposition was never meant to be confidential, so a version of it should be made available to the public. Ventura's lawyers, however, will have the opportunity to determine if certain parts should be kept private. Source and More Details

Ventura is suing deceased Navy SEAL Chris Kyle for allegedly libeling him in his bestselling book "American Sniper."
Chief U.S. Magistrate Arthur Boylan ruled the deposition was never meant to be confidential, so a version of it should be made available to the public. Ventura's lawyers, however, will have the opportunity to determine if certain parts should be kept private. Source and More Details
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