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GOP's Obamacare obsession is starting to look like political suicide

There is no chance Republicans will prevail in attempt to repeal or de-fund the health care law

By Jules Witcover, Baltimore Sun
12:39 PM EDT, July 29, 2013

Many present-day Republicans seem bent on making "Backward, Christian soldiers" their marching song in their relentless determination to "repeal and replace Obamacare," even to the point of repeating their lemming-like plunge over the cliff of another government shutdown.

More than 60 of them in the House and about a dozen in the Senate have signed letters by conservative GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina pledging to vote to defund President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, despite some party warnings of likely political suicide.

Among those leading the charge is 2016 presidential prospect Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who seems to be strutting on both sides of the ideological street, as he simultaneously supports immigration reform, which has orthodox GOP troops split.

Rubio is quoted in Politico as declaring: "If we're not going to have a red line in the sand on Obamacare, what will we have a red line on? For those who are saying it's not achievable, I would say to them, if it's not achievable it's because they are basically conceding defeat before they even try. ... I see it as Obama is threatening to shut down the government unless we fund Obamacare."

(More here.)


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