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How To Increase Alexa Ranking With Easy Steps

Today many bloggers are finding it very difficult to increase their alexa rank, while others who have already known the simple technique of how to increase alexa ranking is making it big in their blogging career. Now the question arises; Why is it so necessary for you as a blogger to get a higher alexa ranking, lets say at least 50,000? Yes, it's very essential to have this at the back of your mind if you've ever dream of earning a living online. Getting a higher alexa ranking automatically denote your blog's reputation and also attract advertisers to your blog; Advertisers only values a website or blog that is highly ranked on alexa.
To get started, simply follow the steps given below correctly. I would listed out all the major strategies for everyone to glance through and increase their alexa ranking. All the steps given are tested and trusted. It works absolutely well if a proper implementation of this steps are taken.


How To Increase Alexa Ranking?

1. Setup Your Blog Or Website: Before you could ever think of increasing alexa ranking you should have already had either a blog or website. But if you don't, then you need to create one for yourself. Once you've completely setup your blog, then proceed to the next step.

2. Create An Account On Alexa: To create account on alexa simply go to alexa.com and register for an account, make sure you fill all the necessary information correctly. Move to the next step.

3. Claim Your Blog: This step is very mandatory, you can't do without it. You must claim your blog on this step before you can proceed to the next step. How to claim your blog? It's a bit technical to confirm the ownership of your blog, because you need to add some lines of codes to your blogger template. Once it's done, you can proceed to the next step.

4. Install Alexa Tool Bar On Your Browser: If you really want to increase your alexa ranking then consider installing the alexa tool bar on your browser. Why is it so? Yes, alexa have their own method of evaluation; since they keep track record of hits that passes through their system, which means either you or your visitors should have the alexa tool bar installed on your browser in order to increase your alexa rank.

5. Add Alexa Widget On Your Blog: Alexa widget must also be installed on you blog to increase your alexa rank. As i said earlier that alexa keep records of the hit that passes through their system, so it would also be beneficial to put the alexa widget to your blog.

6. Put Alexa Review Widget On Your Blog: If alexa review widget is added to your blog, you'll definitely noticed a dramatic increased in your alexa ranking. With these widget visitors may want to write a review for your blog.

7. Posts Frequently: Once you're done with the above steps, do you know what next? Make sure you posts frequently, write only unique and original contents in daily basis to increase your alexa ranking. Remember the words that says:- "Contents is king". Also make it a hobby to posts unique and quality contents. Note:- There's more value in Quality than Quantity, so add more quality to your contents. Note:- these would not only increase your alexa ranking, but would also boost your organic traffic.

8. Comments And Build Backlinks: Commenting on other blogs is very essential in terms of increasing alexa ranking. You need to comment on they blogs so that they can link back to you. Doing so would definitely increase your alexa rank in no time.


These was our today's tutorial on how to increase alexa ranking, and we've discussed the major factors regarding increasing alexa ranking. 
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