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Magnolia 5 – The Best Makeover of Magnolia CMS Till Date

Magnolia International Ltd, on 20thJune, 2013 released Magnolia 5 – the bigger and better version of Magnolia CMS till date. This latest iteration of Magnolia CMS has been released to support today’s mobile age and hence features out of the box mobile ready features which makes it the first mobile enabled CMS on the market.

Pascal Mangold, CEO & Cofounder of Magnolia International Ltd said “We designed Magnolia to be as simple and as flexible as a Smartphone. The result is a CMS that looks beautiful, feels natural and is fast and intuitive to use.”

With Magnolia 5, a number of groundbreaking features have been also released that promises to revolutionize the content management like never before.  Let’s dive into Magnolia 5 and check out whether it will stand out from the rest.

Touch Inspired Interface
Magnolia 5 has introduced an intuitive touch inspired interface that lets you manage your tasks in Magnolia with swipe actions on both PCs and touch screen devices like Smartphones, tablets, iPads, laptops. This enables users to navigate between applications easily  and complete the task quickly.

Application Launcher
Magnolia 5 features App Launcher, a feature that allows users to navigate between applications using a spring boat just like you do on a smartphone. Another advantage of this feature is that it allows developers to create their own customized applications that looks and feels just like inbuilt Magnolia apps with the same ease of use.

Magnolia 5 Apps Launch Screen

Image Credit: www.magnolia-cms.com

Intuitive Collapse Action Bar
Magnolia 5 leaves behind the bulky and cumbersome toolbars and drop downs and replaces them with intuitive Collapse Action Bars that appear on single side of the screens of devices like iPads. These Action  Bars collapses and highlights the icons as touch-targeted squares depending on the task you are currently working providing a better usability and interactivity.
Magnolia 5 iPad View Collapse Action Bar
Image Credit: www.magnolia-cms.com

Pulse feature has been introduced to continuously keep you updated with notifications and feeds. It is the most active feature that helps you keep a constant track on content and enables real-time monitoring by providing updates related to comments, content status, requests, along with statistics and analytics.
Magnolia 5 Desktop View - Pulse Notifications
Image Credit: www.magnolia-cms.com
This is another smart feature in Magnolia 5 CMS which lets users create shortcuts and favorites of the most used applications and tasks like creating a page, adding tags, etc. This feature allows accessing the applications and favorite tasks quickly saving you more time and gives a personalized user experience.

Digital Assests Management
Magnolia 5 also provides Digital Assets Management feature that lets you manage your digital assets like videos, images, documents and use them to enhance your online channels.

Magnolia 5 offers flexibility, scalability and usability inside a single box empowering users to respond to the challenges faced in developing the most fluid and smart CMS. With these features and enhancements, Magnolia 5 bags the title of the best version of Magnolia CMS till date beating all the other CMS of today’s time.

Looking for developing or migrating your website to any version of Magnolia CMS? Email us at info@cygnet-infotech.com. Visit http://www.cygnet-infotech.com/java-cms-frameworks/magnolia-cms-framework to know more about our capabilities on Magnolia CMS


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