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Alaska Serial Killer: A Little View

The FBI on Monday released an updated timeline of travels and crimes by Israel Keyes, a confessed Alaska serial killer who is believed to have killed 11 people before committing suicide in his jail cell last year.

The timeline sheds some new light on a mysterious case that left a trail of unsolved killings around the country. FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said the goal of releasing the information is to identify victims who remain unknown, and provide some closure to their families.

"We've exhausted all our investigative leads," Gonzalez said.

The FBI statement said that "Keyes traveled internationally and it is unknown if he committed any homicides while outside of the United States," the FBI statement said. Keyes was known to have traveled to Canada, Mexico and Belize between 2001 and 2008.

The FBI also set up an interactive map of Keyes' travel from 1997-2012.

The FBI documents said Keyes frequented prostitutes during his travels and killed an unidentified couple in Washington state sometime between July 2001 and 2005. Keyes also told investigators he committed two separate murders between 2005 and 2006, disposing of at least one of the bodies in Lake Crescent, near Port Angeles, Wash.  Source and More Details

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