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Let's Check If You Have Been Hit By Penguin

The Penguin update was in fact a bigger update than Google usually installs. They normally make smaller updates every now and again in order to stop people from manipulating their search engine system. The penguin update was a bigger one that they did in order to help make the search engine results a little more usable. They did this by installing an update that removed a lot of the result links to websites that had tried to manipulate the system.

Who Did The Penguin Update Affect?

It affected people who were using Black-Hat SEO. This is another name for techniques that purposefully try to manipulate the search engine algorithm and search engine indexing. If your site was affected by the penguin update, then it has been deemed to be using some sort of Black-Hat SEO

How Do I Know If I Have Been Affected By The Penguin Update?

Take a look at how your website has been doing recently. Did it start to slip down in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) after the installation of the penguin update? Have you been penalized to the point where you cannot find some pages on the Google SERP? Has your website started to sink in the SERP to the point where it is almost impossible to slow down the decent? If this sort of thing is happening, then there is a chance you are being affected by the penguin update.

The Google 2.0 Penguin Update

It is hard to create a perfect update. The penguin update did its job, but there were still poor quality websites on the search engine results that they thought would have been removed by penguin. To catch the ones that are still in the results the admin staff checks websites personally. The engineers then find a way to fix the update so that it catches these low quality websites too and remove them from the search engine results pages.

The Google penguin 2.0 update is just a collection of fixes that they are going to install to try to stop websites that should have ideally been caught the first time with the original penguin update. This means that the low quality websites that slipped by unnoticed last time are going to be removed or penalized this time.

Make Sure You Do This To Stay On Top

Your content should be of a good quality. It should be unique to your site and the topic or theme should be covered in an original way. Make the text interesting and try to add new and usable information to your content. Above all, make sure that the text is not flimsy and make sure it may easily be read by humans.

Stuffing keywords into your content for the sake of the search engine is not a good idea. If your content is becoming hard to read because of keywords, then you may be penalized. Make your content more organic looking and do not put in too many keywords for the sake of having them there.

Google Is Not As Omnipotent As Some People Think

Google cannot really tell if you are producing content that is unoriginal unless you have copied it word for word. But, if you post an article, and then a user finds five or six other articles that are very, very similar, then he/she may report your site as being spammy. The Google search engine may then penalize your website, and they certainly will if it turns out that your content has been spun from another person’s content.

Navigation Is Helpful If You Want To Rise Through The SERP

The low quality websites that the penguin updates are trying to remove are often built quickly and with little thought towards navigation and structure. They often have pages that are simply added and linked to the site with no consideration of a hierarchy, funnel or breadcrumbs system. So, if you want to keep yourself from being hurt by penguin, then put some thought into your navigation. You do not need to link every page to the home page if you do not want, and think about how your navigation is going to help or hinder the user.

A good navigation system is also going to help you rise up through the SERP, as Google considers it when indexing your site. It is now a factor for SEO, so keep navigation as one of your priorities. Also, keep rendering and loading speeds in mind, as Google is not very forgiving of websites that take too long to render or load.

Author Bio
Kate Funk is an expert in Online Tutoring. She coaches individuals in SEO and business networking skills.


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