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5 Essential Qualities of a Good Java Developer

One of the burning question every business owner or IT manger faces today is how to find the best man for his job. It’s important that he chooses the right developer for the job as it ensures better development and results. There has always been a shortage of high-caliber Java developers over the last few years. While there are many people who know a bit of Java programming, there are just a handful of skilled Java developers who possess a deep understanding the platform and the development process.

If you are looking for an expert java developer, the ideal 5 qualities you should look for are listed below:

1. Impressive Technical Background
One of the fundamental thing every manager looks for is the Java developer’s technical background. A developer with sound technical background with a degree in Engineering in Computer Science or Master in Computer Science is sought by most companies.
5 Qualities of a Good Java Developer

A look at the projects he did in his college can serve as windows to the real interest of the developer. Java or J2EE certification is also a good sign of his well-developed technical skill. While there are a handful of genius developers who are self-taught, most people hiring Java developers first look for educational qualifications or certifications.

2. Projects Handled
Next thing that recruiters and tech leaders look into is the experience of the candidate – the kind of projects he has handled. Usually, the requirement for an expert developer is for a new project that requires talented developer, or for an ongoing project where an existing developer is leaving in the hopes of greener pastures.

So, the Java team leader try to find out if the developer has worked with similar technologies and projects before. For example, if you are looking to develop a project on Grails then it’s better to have an adequate developer who already has hands-on experience on Grails rather than having a rock-star Java developer who will work on Grails for the first time.

3. Communication Skill
A large part of development relates to understanding the requirements of a project clearly. It also has a lot to do with sharing your ideas regarding development. So, one valuable skill companies and team leaders respect in a developer is the ability to share his or her idea easily. Most companies look for a good communication skills in the developer. A developer with mix of good technical skills and communication skill can succeed tremendously.

4. Passion
Companies look for developers who are passionate about Java programming language and who believe that it the #1 programming language. It may sound crazy – surely there are several other languages out there that can do the job as well. But a developer needs to be crazy about java – such a quality will drive him to find solutions of complex problems if he is stuck.

Also, if he is passionate, he won’t feel shy in offering new and creative solutions for development. It will also ensure high quality of Java Application Development. Developers who have their own blog or who contribute to blogs and enter into debates regarding Java have a good chance of impressing the interviewers.  

5. Flexibility
After the developer passes all the above tests and has proven that he has the qualities that make a great Java developers, the battle is mostly won. But there is one more thing that separates the good from the best. Developers are human and they would like to work 40 hours a week like everyone else. But a good developer is flexible in terms of time – he or she is ready to work extra hours when the project requires it. Also, a developer who can remove or add features and make a dozens of changes (that have to be made because of someone else’s errors) and work hard without grumbling is an asset to any team.

These are some of the ingredients that go into making a great Java developer – according to some of the Java leaders that I talked with. What do you feel? What qualities would you look for in a Java developer who was joining your team?



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