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Top and Best Android Apps to Speed Up Android Mobile or Tab

In our previous posts we have covered on How to Improve your Android Speed with small tricks and habits.Now in this post we are covering some best apps which can boost speed the performance of Android Mobile.so i dont want to waste you time any more.i have lsited Best 3 Apps to Speed Up Android Mobile ,Check them below if you know any other apps let us in comments.

1.Android Assistant:(Free)

This is a perfect app which can boost speed of your Android App. Android Assisnat is best solotuion for yout android phone.This app helps you to imprve your android performace by cleangin the memory used by unncessary apps and process and makes that memory avaible to your works!. Which will eventually improve your Mobile Perforamce.

The best part of the Android Assistant is Quick Launch Button. Yes Quick Launch button lets you access Android Assistant with ease and lets you to improve the performace.
System Cleaner is one more feature of Android Assistant which can let you to free the cache memory of your Apps on your Mobile.And it can also allow you to clean the Web Cache and other system related cache to improve the speed of your Mobile.

Note:- When you actually clean the cache of the apps on your mobile, they may load slowly in the next startup, as some apps use the cache memory for speed boot-up. So becautios while clearing the cache memory of the apps.

Get Android Assistant from Google Play Store Download Link

2.Tap Cleaner:(Paid&Free)

Tap Cleaner is a simple and powerful app, which can really boost your mobile perforamce. Tap Cleaner has all the sorts of cleaners to improve your Android Performance.With One tap you can boost your Mobile Performance.

Histroty Cleaner:- 

This feature of Tap Cleaner can allow you to clean the Browsing data from your Browser apps and will free the memory for other purposes.

Cache Cleaner:

Tap Cleaner had advanced features in cache cleaner it can allow you to clean manually the cache of certain apps, It shows you How much each app is storing in cache. So that you can clean the best app's cache to get more free cache memory and speed up your Android Mobile.

Schedule Cleaner:- 

This is awesome feature of Tap Cleaner, The above mentioned features are also found on Android Assistant, Schedule Cleaner is best feature of TapPress which made this app unique from other Speed Improving apps.Schedule Cleaner can lets you schedule the time for cleaning the cache and history automatically to improve the apps, So you need not to worry about your mobile performance.

Call Log Cleaner:

  • Tap Cleaner also lets you to clear your call logs with single tap to improve the performance of your android mobile.
  • Tap Cleaner is available in both free and paid versions you can this app from Google PlayStore Download Link

  3.CPU Tuner:

CPU  Tuner is for those who would like to play with their Android Mobile.CPU tunner is a simple app with Advanced features. CPU tunner lets you to control you Android Performace with power management, You can set no of CPU Cycles to improve the performace.

This is best suits for those who are worried about the battery life.CPU Tunner can help to save your battery life.


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