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Like writing fan fiction? Want to get published? Well here's the gig for you!

Do you remember Worlds of Power? Probably not, but to sum it up for you; these were truly horrible novels that were published back in the day that were based on popular NES-era video games.

Those books were fan fiction, with money involved, basically. So here's a nostalgic rush for you; Phil, one of Digitally Downloaded's buddies and contributor to the popular Nintendo fansite, NintendoLife, is reviving the spirit of Worlds of Power, and he's looking for contributions.

This project is not a for-profit deal. In fact, Phil is going to be out of pocket to bring this project to realisation; he's going to pay to get it nicely laid out by a professional designer.

So if writing deliberately bad fiction about some of your favourite game series sounds good, be sure to click on over here to have a read of what Phil's looking for in contributions. To put it simply though; if you're a fan of writing long form fan fiction (a couple of dozen pages worth of content), and feel a burning urge to write about a NES game, then be sure to get writing to get published!

On a more serious note this is a seriously great idea and I can't wait to see the final product. After hearing that Phil himself has written a piece on Battletoads for this project, I really can't wait to see the final product.

Click here for the full details on what you need to do to be a part of the writing party.


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