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Review: The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)

Review by Matt S. 

Until I had started playing The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, I had no interest in the game. Despite being obsessed with Zelda games as a child, the series has left me largely cold following the heights of Ocarina of Time.

Why has my relationship with the franchise waned in recent years? It's been a combination of things, really; the love affair that the recent games have developed for unnecessary features like trains, boats, touch screen and motion control gimmicks are just the start. These features were supported by a formula that had become so familiar that I knew what was going to happen next in the game from the opening cut scene. Nintendo is a conservative company at the best of times but it seemed so uncomfortable with making even the slightest changes to the formula so perfectly defined by Ocarina of Time that the developers had clearly forgotten that a new game should offer something genuinely new.


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