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Review: Soulcalibur 2 HD Online (PS3)

Review by Matt S. 

Of the many HD remakes we've seen this generation this one I don't quite get, though I'm certainly not complaining of its existence. While Soulcalibur 2 is arguably the finest game in the franchise, it's impossible to argue that the current generation's Soulcalibur 5 is a lesser game; it has more characters, more gameplay options, and more a more complex art direction.

Soulcalibur 2 in HD looks great thanks to its timeless art direction, but like most HD remakes there's small details that are missing here - environments look and feel more basic, for instance, and character models might be HD, but they are low on the detail that would mark them out as next gen character designs. They look like mannequin models, in other words. Other than the online combat there isn't anything that has been added to the package either. By modern fighting game standards it's quite the minimalist package.


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