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More Consumers Use Cell Phones for Shopping

Consumers from all over the world are quickly embracing mobile technologies for shopping, as over half (51 percent) of consumers across 11 countries reported using their cell phones as product research tools and bargain finders during the 2009 holiday shopping season, according to a new study released by Motorola.

In-store activities performed by holiday shoppers on handsets include price comparison, reading product reviews, finding product information, and seeking coupons and discounts online. Although last year’s figures are not available for comparison, Motorola said the number of people using their smartphones for shopping has surged this year.

The demand for real-time information to make better buying decisions is particularly high among young adults. As the survey indicated, 64 percent of Gen Y shoppers (age 18 to 34) turned to use their handsets for in-store shopping-related activities, as compared to only 33.2 percent of the 50-to-64 year old group. Apparently, the younger generations are more likely to use mobile shopping technologies than their older counterparts.

In addition, the study found that the availability of coupons and discounts make great difference in consumers’ purchasing decisions. About 39 percent of shoppers said they will not buy the item at all if they cannot find any coupons and discounts. Cost-conscious shoppers also expect more aid from retailers on pricing and bargains.

The findings highlight the importance for retailers, especially those selling goods catering to younger consumers, to adopt the mobile technologies in sales and marketing to remain competitive. With high-speed Internet connectivity and plentiful comparison shopping applications, it is not difficult for shoppers to find good products at attractive prices with their cell phones. Therefore, if retailers fail to keep pace with tech savvy consumers and adapt to the next-generation retail technologies, they can be easily left out in the cold.


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