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Review: Samsung Galaxy S3

“Inspired by nature, designed for humans”, Samsung’s Galaxy S3, hailed as the iPhone-killer, wowed the world with its state-of-the-art specifications. We are not surprised that the flagship has become the most successful mobile of the Korean company up to now. But the fact that it has hit the 20 million sales milestone within just 100 days is still astounding. Anyway, if you are still pondering to join the array of these 20 million S3 owners, this review may just come to help. Here we will highlight some of what we think are the most remarkable features of the S3:

- Display: The S3’s 4.8" display is pretty generous. Samsung calls the HD Super AMOLED display seeing reality, which is probably not exaggerated. The image quality is just mind-blowing with the nice colour saturation. You may even switch between four different colour saturation modes: Dynamic, Standard, Natural and Movie. The display excels at video playback and web browsing too, giving you superb viewing experience.

- Smart Stay: By using the front camera, the S3 knows if you are looking at the screen. The display never dims or locks when you are reading or browsing websites, bringing a great pleasure to your reading experience.

- S-Beam: This feature allows you to transfer documents and files between Galaxy S3s. By putting the backs of two S3 phones together, you can bond them together and share their content. This is a clever trick to foster brand loyalty.

- S-Voice: S-Voice lets you go totally hands-free with your voice. The feature can be used to perform basically all those usual tasks like searching the Net, making/rejecting calls, texting messages, turning your music up/down as well as setting alarms. You can also activate the camera by saying “I want to take a picture” and shoot the photo by saying “Cheese”. There is, however, plenty of room for improvement in the feature. Users found it slow to process sounds and sometimes unable to catch their commands. You may be better off using your fingers than your voice. 

- Direct Call: Direct Call is another tweak in the S3. When you are reading or texting a message and want to make a call instead, you can just lift the phone to your ear and the handset will automatically dial the person’s number for you. This is no doubt a huge invention for the lazybones.

- Pop up Play: It is a feature included in the video player. You simply drag the video window to where you want on the screen so that you can perform other tasks while still watching the video. The feature is great as it keeps you multitasking. Yet, there is a drawback—you cannot custom-size the video window.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 may not have the beauty outside—many people (including us) rolled their eyes when they first saw the design. Yet, its inner beauty is certainly impressive enough. With its gorgeous screen, powerful chipsets and top-of-the-line features, it is more than just a smartphone; it is a gadget that truly understands what we need.



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