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Mobile Device Management (MDM) – An Essential Ingredient of Enterprise Mobile Security

With mobile device replacing enterprise IT assets (desktops and laptops) due to trends like BYOD, wireless workforce, tablet adoption, etc. IT security professionals face severe challenges to ensure security of corporate data and information being accessed by these devices. Organizations completely rely on security managers to confirm that the company data used by the mobile workforce is secure.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is slowly becoming the need of an hour in enterprise mobile security concerns. MDM is a policy of deploying, securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices in the workplace. The intent of MDM is to optimize the functionality of mobile devices within the enterprise and protecting the corporate network. According to The Nemertes Research Group Inc, 46% of companies have implemented MDM and 84% are expected to embrace the MDM practice by the end of 2014.

Mobile Device Management

With this the demand of software for managing the mobile devices is growing rapidly. Mobile Device Management Software allows securing and managing all the mobile device deployments remotely. It gives Security Managers, way to troubleshoot the mobile device management by allowing them to distribute configurations and data settings and resolving patches in the devices and applications. Software for MDM generally supports file synchronization and sharing, data security and corporate content security. Besides most software of mobile device management include following features:

  • Mobile Application Management (MAM) or Enterprise Application Management
  • Workspace Security for documents, information and applications
  • Secure Document Sharing (SDS) with platforms like Dropbox, SharePoint, etc.
  • WLAN Integration for network security
  • Certificate Authority Integration
Of all these MDM functionalities, mobile application management feature is used by 29% of enterprises. Companies in mobile application development also consider MAM for managing, distributing, licensing mobile applications developed by them. On the other hand, document sharing from mobile devices requires more control unlike desktops and laptops. Thus SDS feature of MDM provides necessary APIs to control and secure the document sharing practice from mobile devices.

Looking at the features of MDM, especially MAM and SDS, it should be considered as a primary tool to ensure security of mobile devices within the enterprise and apps and functionalities running on them.

Looking to develop a software for managing mobile devicesand applications at your place? Contact us at info@cygnet-infotech.com or visit http://www.cygnet-infotech.com/enterprise-mobility/byod-management


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