Trent Franks’s abortion claim and the manly Republican Party
By Dana Milbank, WashPost, Wednesday, June 12, 4:37 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, Republicans are again voting on new abortion restrictions. Cue their theme song:
“Men men men men, manly men men men!”
The House Judiciary Committee gathered Wednesday to pass another antiabortion bill, and the nameplates on the majority side told the story:
(More here.)
Ladies and gentlemen, Republicans are again voting on new abortion restrictions. Cue their theme song:
“Men men men men, manly men men men!”
The House Judiciary Committee gathered Wednesday to pass another antiabortion bill, and the nameplates on the majority side told the story:
- Mr. Goodlatte.
- Mr. Sensenbrenner.
- Mr. Coble.
- Mr. Smith.
- Mr. Chabot.
- Mr. Bachus.
- Mr. Issa.
- Mr. Forbes.
- Mr. King.
- Mr. Franks.
(More here.)
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