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Review: Narco Terror (PC)

There are some pieces of entertainment that I, as an individual, am personally entertained by that I as a critic should perhaps not be. I look at those from my critical side, and what I see should make me wince and question why I as an individual enjoy it so much (personal examples include Dog Days anime, Lost Planet 2 game, and Black God manga).

There is a somewhat blurred line when it comes to judging media that both entertains the reviewer and has problems that the reviewer easily recognises. What are the standards of good media? What is the critic's standard when it comes to good media? Should those sets of standards intermingle or remain completely separate? None of this is necessarily clear-cut.

Enter Narco Terror, an arcade-action game that both entertains me as a critic and makes me question its set of morals as a work of art. On one hand, I did have quite a good time playing Narco Terror and there is stuff within it that the game absolutely nails. On the other, there's a genuine sense of ignorance and immorality that comes across as quite unhealthy in attitude. I find myself in this situation of being very much torn between aspects I enjoy and stuff that as a critic I just can't ignore.


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