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Interview with Australia's Morgan Jaffit on Kickstarter and Defiant Development's Hand of Fate

Hand of Fate KickstarterInterview by Matt S.

One of the first game developers to jump on the Kickstarter opportunity when it launched in Australia was Brisbane-based Defiant Development, and its game, Hand of Fate, is currently over halfway there, having earned $27,605 at time of writing out of a total goal of $50,000.

Hand of Fate is an interesting looking game to boot; a mix of roguelike and card game, and it has plenty of game industry veterans involved. The director of Defiant, Morgan Jaffit, has been involved in the local games industry for over a decade, starting out at Irrational Games, then moving on to Relic Entertainment, A2M and Pandemic.

With the big studio business model all but disappearing in Australia, Jaffit now finds himself running a Kickstarter for an independent developer. He sat down with us to have a chat about the opportunities he sees in Kickstarter, the inspiration for Hand of Fate, and the opportunities he sees in the Australian games industry.


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