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Get Powered Up with a Bluetooth Headset Charger

Bluetooth headset has become one of the essential cell phone accessories nowadays, which offers wireless connection and keeps you connected even when your hands are busy. Drivers also need Bluetooth headsets when they are on the road, so as to have better control on driving. To enjoy the convenience and safety, you will need a quality Bluetooth headset charger to power up your wireless device.

There are countless choices of Bluetooth headset chargers available on the market. Most of them are rapid chargers, which offer fast charging in about 2 hours’ time. They are usually small and lightweight, keeping the charger handy for use.

Bluetooth Headset Car Charger

A Bluetooth headset car charger allows drivers to recharge their headsets when they are on the go. Simply connect your Bluetooth headset to the charger and plug it into the car cigarette lighter socket, then you can start recharging the device.

Bluetooth Headset Travel Charger

A Bluetooth headset travel charger often comes with multi-voltages, so users can easily recharge their headsets in different countries, as long as pairing with suitable adapters.
Being portable and convenient for use, such travel charger is very popular among consumers; Bluetooth headset users usually have one at home or in office.

USB Charging Cable

Some popular Bluetooth headsets like Jawbone and Jawbone 2 can only work with USB charging cable, instead of directly plugging them into any car charger or AC charger. For in-car charging, users have to connect the cable to a car charger adapter before plugging it into the cigarette lighter socket. Similarly, you will need an AC adapter if you wish to charge the headset from a wall outlet.

Bluetooth Headset Charging Cradle

Some Bluetooth headset models like Motorola H12, H680 and H681 cannot work directly with AC chargers nor car chargers; they can only be recharged via a charging cradle. To power the cradle, you can either connect it to an AC charger or car charger.

Due to safety concerns, it is always important to get a quality charger for your Bluetooth headset. Most of today’s chargers come with charging indicators, so you can keep track with the progress and avoid overcharging. Also, users should check the exact model number of the Bluetooth headset before purchasing a charger. Please refer to the headset’s user manual for details.


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