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Mobile Video Subscribers to Grow Five-fold by 2014

Pyramid Research, a telecom research unit under Light Reading Communications Network, sees a five-fold growth in the global mobile video market over the next five years, with total revenue reaching $16 billion by then.

Based on its latest studies, the research firm forecasts a huge jump in the number of users paying for mobile video services, such as video clips, TV episodes, TV programming and movies, which are directly delivered to their cell phones. Total mobile video subscriptions are likely to reach 534 million in 2014, representing 8.5% of total mobile subscriptions by then.

Pyramid Research believes that emerging markets will play a significant role in boosting the usage of mobile video services, and will drive a 37% growth in total mobile subscriptions. Asia Pacific, in particular, is expected to attract more than 281 million subscribers in the coming few years.

To meet surging demand and keen competition, the research firm advises operators to upgrade their networks, reduce charges on data plans, as well as offering more advanced and compatible handsets. Improved devices and networks are likely to draw higher level of adoption and spending.


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