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McCain to Republicans: Forget about any more crazy debt ceiling hostage taking

By Greg Sargent, WashPost, Updated: July 22, 2013

Democrats are hoping that the willingness of John McCain and other Republicans to break with GOP leaders during last week’s filibuster fight and support Obama nominations bodes well for future battles. They are hoping for an emerging schism among Republicans that means a bloc of GOP Senators can be peeled off and induced to enter into genuinely constructive negotiations with Dems to avert a debt ceiling and government shutdown crisis.

So it is noteworthy that in an interview, McCain has now said the American people will not put up with another round of GOP debt limit and government shutdown “shenanigans.” McCain also bluntly warned House Republicans against using the debt limit fight to gain the repeal of Obamacare, which he said “is not going to happen.”

McCain made the claims in an interview with radio host Michael Medved late Friday (audio was sent my way by his show). Asked for his take on the coming debt limit battle, McCain said:
“Some of my Republican colleagues are already saying we won’t raise the debt limit unless there’s repeal of Obamacare. I’d love to repeal Obamacare, but I promise you that’s not going to happen on the debt limit. So some would like to set up another one of these shutdown-the-government threats. And most Americans are really tired of those kinds of shenanigans here in Washington.”
(More here.)


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