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The ‘maverick’ is back

By Dana Milbank, WashPost, Monday, July 22, 4:57 PM

The Senate was out of session Monday, but John McCain was on Capitol Hill, joking, as he often does, about “trying to do the Lord’s work here in the city of Satan.”

On this particular day, the Lord’s work involved a bit of bowel humor. “There was a poll recently on the favorability of everything in American life,” he told a gathering in the Russell Senate Office building, upstairs from his office. “The favorability numbers of Congress ranked just below a colonoscopy. So we are trying to raise it at least above that.”

The Arizona Republican is certainly doing his part to raise his colleagues’ image above that of the intestinal probe. On Sunday, he appeared on CNN, praising President Obama’s speech on the George Zimmerman case and proposing a review of the “stand your ground” laws that came to attention because of the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Days earlier, McCain had brokered a deal averting a procedural meltdown in the Senate over the filibuster. Before that, he was a key figure in drafting the bipartisan immigration bill that cleared the Senate. Also this year, he has called some of his hard-line Republican colleagues “wacko birds” and has criticized them for blocking a budget resolution.

(More here.)


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