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Review: Earthbound (Wii U)

I had never had the opportunity to play Earthbound before. That's not from lack of desire to experience it, but being Australian means that I miss out on all kinds of classic RPGs (and a bunch of modern ones as well) that people rave about. However, Earthbound was an especially gaping hole in my collection because, to hear certain circles speak of it is is the greatest JRPG ever made. Such is the reputation of the game that it commands some truly magical prices over at Ebay, not unlike a Game Boy Color game we reviewed last week; Shantae.

Earthbound on the Wii U Virtual Console goes for $13 here in Australia, and now having played through it, I'm glad I only paid $13 for it. While it is undoubtedly a lot of fun I do fail to see how anyone could put this game in the same league of some of the classic JRPGs out there. 


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